10 Ways to Fit in Exercise Around Work

10 Ways to Fit in Exercise Around Work

Work is the most important aspect of most of our lives, whether we choose it to be or not. A lot of the time, we are unable to do things because our work schedules do not allow it. We therefore have to do most things outside of work, from exercise, to socialising to cooking and shopping. It is easy to feel overwhelmed by how much we need to do and feel like there are not enough hours in the day.

In this article, we will show you what you can do to make exercise fit around your work schedule.


1. Choose What Exercise/Sport You Enjoy

If you already know which type of sport or exercise you want to pursue, you can skip to number 2.

If you have never really exercised regularly and you are not sure what you might enjoy, then it might be a case of trial and error. This means trying different sports or types of exercise until you land on one you enjoy.

Some sports are seasonal e.g. tennis, cricket and rugby. Therefore, this is something to take into consideration. Will you be happy to only do this for part of the year, and if so, what else could you do when you are unable to participate in your preferred sport?

You can do some sports or forms exercise all year round, regardless of the weather conditions. Running, football, basketball, netball, swimming, weight lifting spinning, exercise just to name a few.

The first question you need to answer; do you like team or individual sports.

The most popular team sports are:

·        Football (click here to find a club near you)

·        Rugby (click here to find a club near you)

·        Basketball (click here to find a club near you)

·        Netball (click here to find a club near you)

·        Hockey (click here to find a club near you)

·        Cricket (click here to find a club near you)

If these do not appeal to you, then have a look here where you will find more sports that might interest you.

If you are interested in individual sports, the most popular options are:

·        Swimming (click here to find out how to get started)

·        Badminton (click here to find out how to get started)

·        Squash (click here to find out how to get started)

·        Cycling (click here to find out how to get started)

·        Running (click here to find out how to get started)

·        Athletics (click here to find out how to get started)

·        Golf (click here to find out how to get started)

·        Tennis (click here to find out how to get started)

·        Gymnastics (click here to find out how to get started)

·        Karate (click here to find out how to get started)

·        Judo (click here to find out how to get started)

·        Taekwondo (click here to find out how to get started))

·        Ju-Jitsu (click here to find out how to get started)


If you are not interested in sport and just want to exercise by yourself, then these are you options:

·        Running (click here to find out how to get started)

·        Dancing (click here to find out how to get started)

·        Hiking (click here to find out how to get started)

·        Cycling (click here to find out how to get started)

·        Fitness classes (click here to find out how to get started)

·        Yoga (click here to find out how to get started)

·        Pilates (click here to find out how to get started)

·        Circuit training (HIIT) (click here to find out how to get started)

·        Home workouts (click here to find out how to get started)

·        Weight lifting (click here to find out how to get started)


2. Take It Slow

 After you have chosen the right sport or exercise for you, it is important to take it slow and ease into exercise. Many people will try to do too much too soon and end up burning themselves out. This means choosing a volume (amount), intensity (how much you do in a short space of time) and frequency (how often) that will not burn you out. The most common symptoms of doing too much too soon are exhaustion, aches, pains, and injury.


3. Keep a Diary of Your Exercise

Keeping a diary of what you have done will allow you to measure your progress, but also make changes if you find the training too hard or too easy.


4. Wake Up Earlier

If the morning is the only time you can find to exercise, then wake up just 20 minutes earlier will allow you to fit in a home workout or a run.


5. Exercise Whilst your Children Are Doing Their Activities.

Most parents drop their kids off to football training or various clubs they might be part of. This is a good opportunity to fit in some exercise, as most parents would wait 30 minutes to an hour for their child to finish. Use this opportunity to either find a gym nearby, exercise class, to go for a run or to do a yoga session. All it takes is a bit of forward planning.


6. Plan Ahead

Plan you week with exercise in mind. Think about the type of exercise you do and work out where you can fit it in your diary. Prepare your exercise shoes and clothes the night before if you want exercise first thing in the morning. Keep clean clothes and a pair of trainers in your car in case an opportunity presents itself. Have a gym bag packed and ready to go when you need it.


7. Schedule a Walk and Talk

Walking meetings are a great way to burn some extra calories whilst being productive at work. Steve Jobs was known for having most of his meetings whilst he was taking a walk. Try scheduling a = phone call or meeting at the same time as a walk.


8. Activity Dates

Try to make exercise and sport a part of your social life. If you want to meet up with a friend, recommend that you meet up for a gym session, for a walk, a run, to play tennis or squash. Sport is a great way to have fun and socialise.


9. Feed Two Birds with One Scone

Try to fit exercise into your commute. If you normally get the bus to the station, try to walk or run instead. See if you cycle to work, most companies offer a cycle to work scheme. If you drive into work, see if you can park a bit further away and walk or run the rest of the way. This is a lot easier if you have access to shower at your place of work. If working from home, then replace the time you used to spend commuting to work with a form of exercise.


10. Be an Active Watcher

Watch your favourite show, listen to your favourite podcast, or listen to music whilst doing a physical activity. Listen to a podcast whilst going for a walk or light run, watch Netflix whilst doing light exercise or yoga and listen to a new album you have been looking forward to whilst at the gym.


The Takeaway

Choose a sport and/or exercise that you like, find out where you can start and figure out how to schedule it into your diary. Be prepared by buying the appropriate clothes and equipment needed to participate in the chosen activity. Prepare your clothes the night before. Keep a pair of exercise shoes and clothes in your car; you never know when an opportunity will present itself.

Take a walk and talk if possible, schedule a catch up with a friend whilst going for a walk, jog or at the gym. Make exercise a part of your commute and be an active watcher, watching your favourite show whilst doing a physical activity.


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